• Microsoft Windows Level 2

    Pre-requisite: Microsoft Windows Level 1. This workshop builds on the skills taught in the Microsoft Windows Level 1 class, introducing you to more advanced features of Windows, including customizing the Start Menu and Task Bar, personalizing your desktop, customizing the File Explorer and performing Windows updates.

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  • Resume Day

    Looking for a tune up on your resume? During this interactive workshop, an experienced professional will review participant resumes in real time, offering suggestions on how to improve its appearance and effectiveness. Keep in mind, your resume will be reviewed on screen, but this is a no-judgement zone. Just helpful tips and some great discussion thrown in. To participate, register & send your resume to [email protected] at least 24 hours in advance.

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  • Comenzando con Microsoft Windows

    Esta clase de nivel inicial presenta las habilidades básicas para usar el programa de Microsoft Windows tales como: el uso del ambiente del escritorio o “Desktop” y el “mouse”, abrir, cambiar de tamaño y cerrar las “ventanas” de los programas de Microsoft Windows. Asimismo, poder crear, copiar, mover, eliminar y recuperar archivos y carpetas de archivos. Usted recibirá una carpeta en donde podrá guardar sus archivos y hojas de papel, un dispositivo de almacenamiento USB (Flash Drive) para guardar sus archivos electrónicos y un Certificado al final del curso.

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  • Google Docs Series: Level 3

    This series introduces you to the word processing application offered as part of Google’s suite of productivity tools. Levels 1 & 2 required. Build on the skills you learned in the previous classes.

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  • Salary Negotiation

    Created for working women, this workshop will teach you to evaluate, negotiate, and articulate your worth in today’s workforce.

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  • Developing Your Inner Leader

    In this interactive webinar, you’ll learn how the power of networking can positively build your career. Topics that will be covered include how to create an effective introduction; the benefits of networking and basic do’s and don’ts; how to overcome nervousness; an easy way to maintain your connections; and the benefits of power partners.

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  • Microsoft Powerpoint Series: Level 3

    This series introduces you to the features and functions of Microsoft PowerPoint.

    Levels 1 & 2 required. Build on the skills you learned in the previous classes.

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  • Networking 101

    In this interactive webinar, you’ll learn how the power of networking can positively build your career. Topics that will be covered include how to create an effective introduction; the benefits of networking and basic do’s and don’ts; how to overcome nervousness; an easy way to maintain your connections; and the benefits of power partners.

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  • Google Docs Series: Level 2

    This series introduces you to the word processing application offered as part of Google’s suite of productivity tools. Level 1 required. Build on the skills you learned in the previous class along with advanced features.

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  • Working in a Virtual World

    What does it mean to work virtually? In this webinar, we’ll talk about video conferencing, collaboration, and file sharing as well as online etiquette and how to come across well in video meetings and video job interviews.

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