June 6, 2024
Word Nivel 1 En Espanol
Esta serie le presenta las características y funciones de Microsoft Word.
June 6, 2024
Word Nivel 1 En Espanol
Esta serie le presenta las características y funciones de Microsoft Word.
June 6, 2024
Google Docs Series: Level 2
This workshop builds on the skills taught in the Google Docs Level 1 course, introducing you to more advanced features of Docs. Continue advancing your skillset with us during this engaging session!
June 6, 2024
Google Docs Series: Level 2
This workshop builds on the skills taught in the Google Docs Level 1 course, introducing you to more advanced features of Docs. Continue advancing your skillset with us during this engaging session!
June 6, 2024
Google Docs Series: Level 1
This beginning level workshop introduces you to the word processing application offered as part of Google’s suite of productivity tools.
June 6, 2024
Google Docs Series: Level 1
This beginning level workshop introduces you to the word processing application offered as part of Google’s suite of productivity tools.
June 6, 2024
Microsoft Windows: Level 2
This workshop builds on the skills taught in the Microsoft Windows Level 1 class, introducing you to more advanced features of Windows, including customizing the Start Menu and Task Bar; personalizing your desktop; customizing the File Explorer; and performing Windows updates. Please bring the thumb-drive you received in Beginning Windows to class!
June 6, 2024
Microsoft Windows: Level 1
This entry-level workshop is a prerequisite for all computer classes. It introduces you to the Windows Operating System. You’ll learn about the different components of the desktop, how to open, resize, move and close individual windows. You’ll also be introduced to the File Explorer where we create folders, move and copy folders to a thumb drive, and delete, restore, and then permanently delete files and folders.
June 6, 2024
Microsoft Windows: Level 1
This entry-level workshop is a prerequisite for all computer classes. It introduces you to the Windows Operating System. You’ll learn about the different components of the desktop, how to open, resize, move and close individual windows. You’ll also be introduced to the File Explorer where we create folders, move and copy folders to a thumb drive, and delete, restore, and then permanently delete files and folders.
June 6, 2024
Empezando con Microsoft Windows
Esta clase de nivel inicial presenta las habilidades básicas para usar el programa de Microsoft Windows tales como: el uso del ambiente del escritorio o “Desktop” y el “mouse”, abrir, cambiar de tamaño y cerrar las “ventanas” de los programas de Microsoft Windows. Asimismo, poder crear, copiar, mover, eliminar y recuperar archivos y carpetas de archivos. Usted recibirá una carpeta en donde podrá guardar sus archivos y hojas de papel, un dispositivo de almacenamiento USB (Flash Drive) para guardar sus archivos electrónicos y un Certificado al final del curso.