“I know now that Fresh Start helps women at all levels. I’m not homeless; I have a job, but I still meet the criteria to be able to come in and get resources.”
As a single mother for nearly 18 years, Amanda took pride in being a provider for her children. For the last five years, she held a steady full-time job in network engineering that allowed her to work remotely. She enjoyed her job and its work-from-home nature, as it allowed her the flexibility needed to care for her children on her own.
Amanda found Fresh Start at a time when she wanted to increase her income and strengthen her resume for the possibility of promotion.
She found secondary income sources to make ends meet and moved into a home with her sister’s family to create affordable housing.
“I’m not making the kind of money that I would like to make, it’s just not sustainable… you would think that with my job, I would’ve gotten some sort of raise, but I haven’t.”
After seeing a Fresh Start ad on her Facebook feed, Amanda clicked on the ad and expressed interest in the career training programs, specifically Cable Harness Wiring.
“I know now that Fresh Start helps women at all levels. I’m not homeless; I have a job, but I still meet the criteria to be able to come in and get resources. For a long time, I didn’t realize I could get resources. I thought, ‘Oh, I make too much.’ There were times that I was really struggling, and I didn’t even try to reach out to resources because I didn’t realize I could.”
Relieved that she had access to resources that could improve her situation and the lives of her children, Amanda applied and was accepted into the Cable Harness Wiring program, which began in April 2024.
“I’m a single mom, and I felt like Fresh Start’s entire concept of empowering women to be successful was really important, and from the beginning, there were so many different people to meet with. Whatever I had going on, I was able to work with someone to address that.”
Amanda continued to work in network engineering, but electrical wiring was brand new to her. She chose the Cable Harness Wiring program in hopes that it would add to her skill set.
During her time with Fresh Start, Amanda gained a new skillset and so much more. She was surprised to receive assistance in improving her resume and practiced mock interviews with Fresh Start team members.
“I’m so glad that I got into this. Some of the things that I had been thinking and envisioning and wanting, I was able to find here. I wanted to update my resume, do mock interviews, and gain confidence. Everything I wanted kinda fell into my lap here.”
After almost five years of working from home, Amanda grew used to a more introverted version of herself that was fostered by her working environment.
“It was very isolating, and it did affect me. Then, getting out and being around people again at Fresh Start, I’m getting my confidence back.”
Amanda received confirmation that her confidence was shining through on the outside, too.
“I always feel like I don’t go for those higher types of interviews because I don’t have the confidence, but when I had my mock interviews, the feedback from both interviewers was that I came off as very confident.”
She started interviewing with different companies, including Kelly Services and felt encouraged by feedback from hiring managers.
“I’m starting to hear back, and even though they’ve interviewed me for a certain position, they can see from my resume that I might be a good fit for other positions they have, too.”
Amanda has big goals in mind, like purchasing a home. With Fresh Start’s help, she’s learned that there’s a future for her with one job that provides enough income.
“Fresh Start has certainly planted the seeds to have one job with a high income, and I see that I have a lot of resources available… I know there will always be something available here, so that has helped me a lot.”
Amanda completed the Cable Harness Wiring training program in July 2024. She is continuing to work on her skills and enrolled in Fresh Start’s Grow with Google project management course that began in August 2024.
“This time next year, I want to make a good salary, so I don’t have to worry about how the bills will get paid.”