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“If I hadn’t come to Fresh Start, my life would be a little dark. I wouldn’t have found a way to learn and that would have left my dream in the darkness.”

For the past three years, Annie* worked as an overnight shelf stocker. Her role was very physical as she moved large pallets of product and stayed up all night stocking. She knew there wasn’t much of a future career for her in that position.  

“The nighttime shift was hard for me, so I was looking for something more normal… At least I had a job, but it was rough.” 

Her 15 and 13-year-old children encouraged her to explore new career options. Annie had several friends who worked in the semiconductor industry, so she started Googling how to begin training.  

“I searched online, and Fresh Start popped up. Even though it’s completely new for me, I decided to try it and applied to the upcoming program.” 

Annie was happily surprised when she received an email from Fresh Start asking for an interview for the upcoming semiconductor technician training beginning in Spring 2024.  

“I kept waiting for the opportunity and my husband encouraged me and said, ‘Go for it! I support you.’ He is a big help to me. Even if I doubt myself, I can feel good about trying.” 

She was accepted into Fresh Start’s semiconductor cohort and began working toward her goal of learning the tools she needed to land a job in the industry. Annie hoped the course would not only give her the new tangible skills required, but also improve her confidence. 

“I had so much fear. I wanted confidence and I didn’t know that there would be people there to support me.” 

Annie received the support she’d hoped for and was empowered on the way to her new career, but she still ran into challenges.  

“My biggest challenge language. It was really difficult for me. Sometimes I didn’t catch what someone was saying and then I worried that I didn’t answer correctly. Then I didn’t feel good about what I said. But in those moments, my husband encouraged me to keep going.” 

When times got tough, she relied on her husband for reassurance, but she also embraced the new sisterhood she became a part of at Fresh Start.  

“The sisterhood here is so true. It’s different than being in a male-dominated space. Sometimes being outnumbered by men can be scary. Here, the women, we all talk and share our experiences, and that felt so good for me.” 

In addition to her strong support system at home and within Fresh Start’s doors, Annie was strongly motivated by her inner voice.  

“I am a fighter. Once I start, I don’t want to stop. If you stop, then people laugh at you. That’s what made me stick with it. I want to be different. I want to finish this. This is a small step in a big journey.” 

After graduating from the semiconductor cohort, Annie was excited to further contribute to her children’s prosperity and ensure they had the best life possible. 

“I want good health for my family and me. I want to give my kids a good life and provide what they need. I’m proud that my kids will have more opportunities than I did as a young adult.” 

She hopes that other women and immigrants looking to better their lives find Fresh Start to get started.  

“Don’t fear. Don’t be scared to follow your dreams even though it can be hard at times. I feel better now because I have confidence in myself and a clear dream. Before, I felt like I was lost but now I’ve found myself.”