• Dreambuilder Info Session

    Are you interested in starting your own business but you don’t know where to begin? Join us for an introduction to this unique online business skills training and certification course available for free!

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  • Start Your Educational Journey

    Are you looking to go back to school? Maybe you want to change careers, start a new career, or gain skills that will help you get that promotion. Fresh Start offers several opportunities to do just that. Join us to learn about our fully funded educational programs and how you can start your journey towards a fulfilling career!

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  • Stress Relief

    This live webinar will help you understand stress and learn tools for how to manage the impacts of stress from day-to-day.

    This is a Foundation Series course.

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  • Assertive Communication

    Assertive communication is the ability to speak and act in ways that naturally cause people to respond attentively and positively. Join this webinar and learn how to assert yourself in your professional and personal life. This is a Foundation Series course.

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  • Emotional Intelligence Part 1

    How are emotions affecting your relationships? Discuss your abilities to recognize behaviors, moods, and impulses, and manage them in a positive way in order to communicate effectively, empathize with others, manage stress, overcome challenging situations and defuse conflict. We will focus on skills to cope with your emotions and the emotions of others when there is tension and conflict.

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  • Bi-Visible Support Group

    Join our monthly group for female identifying, gender nonconforming, nonbinary, bi+ individuals who want to be in a space where our visibility goes beyond stereotypes. Together, we will create connection, validation, and support! Come celebrate yourself with us!

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  • Healthy Moms, Healthy Kids – Basics of Physical Health for the Whole Family

    Helping your kids and family members make healthier choices can be tricky. This workshop will guide you through easy steps to get your family to enjoy more nutritious meals and more movement in their day.

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  • Obtaining an Arizona Protective Order with Community Legal Services

    This workshop is presented by a Community Legal Services (CLS) Lead Family Law & Victims’ Attorney, who will present an overview of the Arizona laws and rules that govern Protective Orders (Orders of Protection, Injunctions Against Harassment, & Injunctions against Workplace Harassment), the process and issuance of protective orders, and contested hearings in Arizona. The CLS attorney will address questions from webinar participants at the end of the presentation. This is a nonconfidential classroom setting, and the instructors cannot provide legal advice.

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  • Family Court Preparation Q&A

    This webinar covers the basics of family court. It discusses different legal documents, common mistakes, and how to handle your own appearance at trial. This is a non-confidential classroom setting, the instructor cannot provide legal advice.

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