• Health Over the Holidays

    The Holiday’s are often full of yummy food that is not so great for our health. In this workshop participants will learn ways to indulge and enjoy their holiday favorites while still holding their health as a priority.

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  • Tomando Control de Su Crédito: Viaje de Crédito with TCA

    Los participantes serán guiados a través de un plan personalizado de acción para mejorar su crédito. Identificarán sus metas y elegirán estrategias para mantener, mejorar, o establecer su crédito y calificación de crédito. Se hace hincapié en el impacto financiero del crédito y los pasos necesarios para mejorar su calificación de crédito.

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  • Take Charge of Your Credit — Credit Voyage with Take Charge America

    Participants will be guided through a personalized action plan to improve their credit. They will identify their goals and choose strategies to maintain, improve, or establish their credit and credit score.

    Emphasis is placed on the financial impact of credit and steps needed to improve your credit score.

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  • Managing Reintegration Today

    This is an open discussion support group for women coming out of incarceration. Join this safe and confidential space where one can share experiences and challenges with re-entry. Learn how to maintain change by confronting past beliefs and develop new strategies for approaching interactions through the maintenance of positive relationships. Based on the concept and strategies of navigating reentry into the community utilizing evidenced-based practices around Moral Recognition Therapy.

    Open to any women who are justice involved.

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  • Family Court Preparation Q&A

    This webinar covers the basics of family court. It discusses different legal documents, common mistakes, and how to handle your own appearance at trial. This is a non-confidential classroom setting, the instructor cannot provide legal advice.

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  • Emotional Intelligence Part 2

    Ready to take what you learned in Part One and deepen your learning? In this course we will provide you with hands-on exercises and techniques to manage your emotions and to make better decisions. It is strongly encouraged that you attend Part One prior to attending Part Two.

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  • Our Relationship with – Feedback

    Whether at work or in our personal relationships, feedback is a major part of our lives. We can shy away from it or find ourselves struggling with what we’re receiving. Together, we’ll discover not only the ways in which we can better receive and give feedback, but also how we can be proactive in communication around feedback. This workshop will support skill building within the health & well-being pillar.

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  • Helping Hands for Single Moms Scholarship Information Session

    Helping Hands for Single Moms is an external organization offering scholarships to single moms in the community. In this session, they will highlight an IT certificate program through Glendale Community College covered by their scholarship. Additionally, they will explain the added benefits awardees have available to them within the Helping Hands community.

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  • Domestic Violence 101

    This Domestic Violence (DV) 101 course will discuss how to identify domestic violence which includes who is impacted by DV, what red flags to be aware of, and community resources for victims/survivors. Additionally, we will identify myths that perpetuate violence and cultivate an understanding of the realities of leaving a violent relationship and the impact of DV. You can expect to leave the workshop with a better understanding of Fresh Start offerings for survivors of DV and the community resources available.

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  • Emotional Intelligence Part 1

    How are emotions affecting your relationships? Discuss your abilities to recognize behaviors, moods, and impulses, and manage them in a positive way in order to communicate effectively, empathize with others, manage stress, overcome challenging situations and defuse conflict. We will focus on skills to cope with your emotions and the emotions of others when there is tension and conflict.

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