• Managing Reintegration Today (MRT) Support Group

    This is an open support group. Join this safe and confidential space to discuss those matters surrounding reintegration into the community. Learn how to navigate day to day challenges, how to have a conversation about your charge, work on rebuilding and establishing healthy relationships, and find support amongst others like you. Based upon the concepts and strategies of Moral Recognition Therapy, an evidenced based program for those coming out of incarceration.

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  • Justice Involved Women Series – Finding Housing & Employment

    Figuring out parole/probation, family, friends, and reintegration in general can feel like too much. In this workshop series we will discuss how to get through it together.

    Finding employment and housing with a felony conviction can be tough. Let’s discuss tips and tricks on how to make this process as smooth as possible.

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  • Healing Trauma With Child Crisis Arizona

    Helping your child heal after they have experienced a traumatic event can be a long and difficult journey. Learn what some common behaviors are that you might see, how to effectively communicate about the trauma, and how you can support your child along the way

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  • Healing Journey Support Group with JFCS

    Join this safe, confidential, & casual group to share your experiences, learn from others, & receive emotional support as you work through the effects of domestic violence. This group teaches the effects of abuse on the victim & her children, how to create trusting, caring relationships, & how to cultivate personal growth.

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  • Gaining Control, Divorce Changes Everything

    Discover how to gain control by understanding the key factors of divorce. Learn the critical components of divorce: Asset Division, Child Support & Spousal Maintenance. Gain answers to your questions surrounding the financial aspects of divorce to build confidence during this difficult transition.

    This presentation will cover all of the basic information regarding fair housing, as well as offer an easy forum to answer any and all of your housing questions! This class is great for everyone; tenants, housing providers, and advocates.

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  • Family Court Preparation Q&A

    This webinar covers the basics of family court. It discusses different legal documents, common mistakes, and how to handle your own appearance at trial. This is a non-confidential classroom setting, the instructor cannot provide legal advice.

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  • Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA)

    Co-dependent Anonymous (CoDA) is a support group focused on developing healthy and loving relationships. CoDA gathers biweekly to support and share lessons learned on the journey to self-discovery and learning to love one’s self—all while becoming increasingly honest with about our personal histories and own codependent behaviors.

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