• Entendiendo y Previniendo la Obesidad con Esperanca

    La obesidad es el primer factor de riesgo para muchas enfermedades cronicas. Es importante que creemos consciencia sobre esta, no pensando en el “aspecto fisico” sino en todos los riesgos que represanta para nuestra salud. Le invitamos a que nos acompañe a esta platica sobre el entendiendo y previniendo la obesidad.

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  • Al-Anon

    Al-Anon es un grupo compuesto de parientes y amigos de personas que sufren de alcoholismo, en el cual comparten sus experiencias, fortaleza y esperanza. Nos reunimos para aprender una mejor forma de vida y encontrar la felicidad ya sea que el alcohólico siga bebiendo o no. Tome un momento para preguntarse: “Se preocupa cuanto bebe otra persona?”

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  • Understanding & Preventing Obesity with Esperanca

    Obesity is the first risk factor for many chronic diseases. It is important that we create awareness about it, not thinking about the “physical aspect” but about all the risks it represents for our health. We invite you to join us for this talk about understanding and preventing obesity.

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  • Tools for the Prevention & Control of Diabetes with Esperanca

    In 2019, Diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. Many people continue to suffer from complications or jump from the diagnosis of prediabetes to diabetes due to a lack of information on the care of this disease. Join us to discuss the tools and steps necessary to prevent or control this disease.

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  • The Power of Reciprocal Frientimacy

    Are you seeking to build new friendships? Are you interested in meeting new people but aren’t sure where to start? Join us to learn more about Shasta Nelson’s triangle of Frientimacy, the difference between meaningful friendships and fling friendships, and the necessary components of a reciprocal friendship.

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  • Stress Relief

    This live webinar will help you understand stress and learn tools for how to manage the impacts of stress from day-to-day.

    This is a Foundation Series course.

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  • Mary Kay Makeup Class

    Skin care and makeup application tips and techniques for a professional look whether you have no experience with makeup or you just want a new look. First, you’ll start off with cleanser and moisturizer for a fresh face. Then you’ll learn application tips for your eye color and shape, foundation, cheek and lip color. This is a fun, interactive class to build your confidence and help you look your best!

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  • Healing Touch

    Learn some of the basic techniques and terminology used in healing touch and how you can use these in your daily life.

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  • Goal Setting

    Join our webinar to learn simple and easy ways to identify a goal and create a plan for accomplishing it. This session will help you learn how to overcome past challenges that have held you back and to create a new specific goal in mind you’d like to achieve. This is a Foundation Series course.

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  • Emotional Intelligence Part 2

    Ready to take what you learned in Part One and deepen your learning? In this course we will provide you with hands-on exercises and techniques to manage your emotions and to make better decisions. It is strongly encouraged that you attend Part One prior to attending Part Two.

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