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Career Coaching & Employment Advising

Expert insight to help you achieve & advance your professional goals.

Figuring out the next steps in your professional development can be tough. But you don’t have to do it alone!

Get the insight and support you need with Fresh Start’s employment and career coaching.

Employment coaching:

One-on-one, 30 minute sessions with an experienced career professional will give you the opportunity to discuss your career goals and get expert advice on where to get started.

Advanced career advising:

One-on-one session with Workforce Development Specialist will give you access to strengths assessments, labor-market research, and other tools to help identify your best career path based on your interests and goals.

Get the resources, insight, and support you need for your specific professional goalsTake the first steps towards your future success!

woman smiling in an office


Pillar offerings:
– Career workshops
– Employment coaching & career advising
– Dream Builder
– Computer literacy workshops
– Techie Lab