June 22, 2023
Hablemos De limites
Los límites son una frontera entre nosotros y otras personas, esto nos permite honrar nuestros sentimientos, deseos y necesidades. Pero, ¿qué pasa si creciste en una familia que no te enseñó sobre tus derechos a confiar en ti mismo? Aprendamos juntas a delinear nuestros límites.
June 22, 2023
Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA)
CODA is a fellowship with its only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. We gather together to support and share with each other in a journey of self-discovery/learning to love the self; while becoming increasingly honest with ourselves about our personal histories and our own codependent behaviors (newcomers are invited at 15 minutes early to ask questions and get information about CoDA).
June 22, 2023
Grow with Google Information Session: Project Management
Calling all Project Planners! Join us to learn about the Grow with Google Project Management certificate program! Whether you are new to the world of project management or looking to advance yourself within your career, this free 6-month program will give you the skills you need to manage projects both big and small. Join us to find out if this program is right for you!
June 21, 2023
Women in Finance Information Session
Interested in a thriving career path through banking and finance? Have customer service experience you’re looking to harness into something bigger? Sign up for this info session to learn how our upcoming Women in Finance Scholarship Program can support you in unlocking a new career in just 8 weeks!
June 21, 2023
Centavos Financieros, Exito con Los Ahorros with Take Charge America
Saber a dónde está yendo su dinero es un primer paso crucial para controlar sus finanzas. Los participantes aprenderán los distintos tipos de gastos, los conceptos básicos del presupuesto, y cómo desarrollar su propio presupuesto personal.
June 21, 2023
Financial Cents, Saving Success with Take Charge America
Participants will learn how to assess their expenses, budgeting basics and how to build a savings plan and money saving habits. Participants will then be guided through a series of questions designed to assess, plan, and grow their savings. Questions cover such areas as money saving basics, types of savings accounts and retirement.
June 21, 2023
One on One DV Services with New Life Center
New Life Center provides mobile advocacy to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. Mobile advocates support clients in all stages of the domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking process. Meetings are done in order of arrival. Please plan to arrive at the start time to be placed on the list to meet with an advocate.
June 21, 2023
Women in Finance Information Session
Interested in a thriving career path through banking and finance? Have customer service experience you’re looking to harness into something bigger? Sign up for this info session to learn how our upcoming Women in Finance Scholarship Program can support you in unlocking a new career in just 8 weeks!
June 21, 2023
Women in Finance Information Session
Interested in a thriving career path through banking and finance? Have customer service experience you’re looking to harness into something bigger? Sign up for this info session to learn how our upcoming Women in Finance Scholarship Program can support you in unlocking a new career in just 8 weeks!
June 21, 2023
Women in Finance Information Session
Interested in a thriving career path through banking and finance? Have customer service experience you’re looking to harness into something bigger? Sign up for this info session to learn how our upcoming Women in Finance Scholarship Program can support you in unlocking a new career in just 8 weeks!