December 14, 2023
Co-Dependents Anonymous Group (CoDA)
CODA is a fellowship with its only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. We gather together to support and share with each other in a journey of self-discovery/learning to love the self; while becoming increasingly honest with ourselves about our personal histories and our own codependent behaviors (newcomers are invited at 15 minutes early to ask questions and get information about CoDA).
December 14, 2023
Mental Wellness
Mental wellness is a key component of our overall wellbeing. Everyone experiences mental health just as we do physical health and this workshop is designed to bring awareness to the positives, challenges, and perhaps unknowns of how our mental health impacts our lives. In this workshop, we will specifically highlight the importance of our emotions, impact of our thoughts, the effects of chronic stress, and how to take ownership of your healing journey.
December 14, 2023
Healing Journey Support Group with JFCS
Join this safe, confidential, & casual group to share your experiences, learn from others, & receive emotional support as you work through the effects of domestic violence. This group teaches the effects of abuse on the victim & her children, how to create trusting, caring relationships, & how to cultivate personal growth. JFCS requires masks to be worn during group. Fresh Start will have masks on-site if needed.
December 14, 2023
Resume Day
During this interactive webinar, an experienced professional will review your resume in real time, offering suggestions to improve its appearance and effectiveness. Please note, all resumes will be reviewed on screen, but this is a no-judgement zone. To participate, send your resume to Michael Gross, [email protected] , at least one day prior to the workshop. If you do not yet have a resume, please take our Writing a Winning Resume and Cover letter self-paced course first.
December 14, 2023
Al-Anón es una hermandad de parientes y amigos de alcohólicos que comparten sus experiencias, fortaleza, y esperanza. Nos reunimos para aprender una mejor forma de vida y encontrar la felicidad ya sea que el alcohólico siga bebiendo o no. Tome un momento para preguntarse: “Se preocupa cuanto bebe otra persona?”
December 14, 2023
Emotional Intelligence: Part 1
How are emotions affecting your relationships? Discuss your abilities to recognize behaviors, moods, and impulses, and manage them in a positive way in order to communicate effectively, empathize with others, manage stress, overcome challenging situations and defuse conflict. We will focus on skills to cope with your emotions and the emotions of others when there is tension and conflict.
December 14, 2023
Microsoft Windows Level 1
This entry-level workshop is a prerequisite for all computer classes. It introduces you to the Windows Operating System. You’ll learn about the different components of the desktop, how to open, resize, move and close individual windows. You’ll also be introduced to the File Explorer where we create folders, move and copy folders to a thumb drive, and delete, restore, and then permanently delete files and folders.
December 14, 2023
Co-Dependents Anonymous Group (CoDA)
CODA is a fellowship with its only requirement for membership is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. We gather together to support and share with each other in a journey of self-discovery/learning to love the self; while becoming increasingly honest with ourselves about our personal histories and our own codependent behaviors (newcomers are invited at 15 minutes early to ask questions and get information about CoDA).
December 14, 2023
Healing Journey Support Group with JFCS
Join this safe, confidential, & casual group to share your experiences, learn from others, & receive emotional support as you work through the effects of domestic violence. This group teaches the effects of abuse on the victim & her children, how to create trusting, caring relationships, & how to cultivate personal growth. JFCS requires masks to be worn during group. Fresh Start will have masks on-site if needed.
December 14, 2023
In-Person: Introduction to Women’s Self-Defense
Learn to listen to and tap into your intuition. Focus on awareness and prevention. Hands-on experience for common self-defense moves. Repetitive practice to build muscle memory and self-confidence.