May 1, 2023
Mental Health, Wealth, & Resource Access for Women of Color
Join us for a free luncheon as we discuss resource access, mental health, & financial wellness for the BIPOC community
April 19, 2023
Coffee, Bagels, and Investments with Fresh Start
Join us for an empowering morning all about building the knowledge, skills and confidence to build and manage your own investment portfolio.
April 12, 2023
April: Leadership Luncheon
Join us for an afternoon of lunch, learning, networking and community building at our April leadership luncheon!
April 12, 2023
Connection & Boundaries for the Mother-Teen Relationship
Get the insight you need to strengthen your parent-teen relationship!
We invite mothers and their teens age 12-18 to an afternoon focused on building connection and healthy boundaries. This event is open to teen girls and boys and their mother or mother figure.
March 29, 2023
Law Day for Women / Día De Ley Para Mujeres
Providing women with the free opportunity to meet one-on-one with an attorney or financial expert
March 29, 2023
Health & Well-being Resource Fair
Join us for day of workshops and resources centered around women’s holistic health! Free mammogram appointments, community partner offerings, and more.
March 1, 2023
Story Share
Join us to share your Fresh Start story in a casual, welcoming environment, and receive support to enhance your storytelling skills!
February 9, 2023
Career Jumpstart for Women
Join us to discover high-wage career fields that you may have never envisioned for yourself and learn how you can get started on the path to these careers.
January 30, 2023
Family Stability Resource Fair
A day of workshops and resources centered around creating stable home environments and empowering women as leaders in their lives!
January 30, 2023
Community Leadership Luncheon: Social Sustainability
Join us for an afternoon of community building, conversation, and learning centered around catalyzing sustainable social change, particularly for those communities most impacted by social and climate injustice. This conversation will utilize an intersectional approach to social entrepreneurship and climate change solutions.