• Networking 101

    In this interactive webinar, you’ll learn how the power of networking can positively build your career. Topics that will be covered include how to create an effective introduction; the benefits of networking and basic do’s and don’ts; how to overcome nervousness; an easy way to maintain your connections; and the benefits of power partners.

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  • Sentido Financiero: El éxito del ahorro

    Los participantes aprenderán a evaluar sus gastos, los conceptos básicos de presupuestos y a crear un plan de ahorro y hábitos de ahorro. A continuación, los participantes serán guiados a través de una serie de preguntas diseñadas para evaluar, planificar y aumentar sus ahorros. Las preguntas cubren aspectos como los fundamentos del ahorro, los tipos de cuentas de ahorro y la pensión.

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  • Getting to Know Your Lease and Tenant Rights

    Signing and understanding a lease can be scary. In this workshop we will break down the critical components of understanding your lease before, during, and after you move in. We will learn how to have your lease work for you instead of against you. You will leave this workshop with a better understanding of your rights as a tenant.

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  • LinkedIn

    This workshop focuses on how to build and utilize LinkedIn for your career. Learn how to incorporate it into your career change or search. Please create an account before coming to this workshop.

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  • Advocacy and Me

    This informative event is designed to empower women to interact with government systems and to feel confident in advocating for themselves. Research has shown that women are expected to advocate for others, but are less likely to self-advocate for themselves and their own needs. Break through your self-doubt by learning the power that you have to interact with your government. Learn how to file a petition, register for Turbots online, attend government meetings, file an initiative or referendum, etc.

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  • Data Analytics Program Info Session

    Upskill your career by diving into the world of Data Analytics with Google’s certification program! In a cohort with of Fresh Start women, you’ll learn about the importance of data in everyday life, how to use data to solve problems, how to use data to tell a story and more! Join this information session and see if a career in Data Analytics is right for you.

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  • Managing Reintegration Today (MRT) Support Group

    This is an open support group. Join this safe and confidential space to discuss those matters surrounding reintegration into the community. Learn how to navigate day to day challenges, how to have a conversation about your charge, work on rebuilding and establishing healthy relationships, and find support amongst others like you. Based upon the concepts and strategies of Moral Recognition Therapy, an evidenced based program for those coming out of incarceration.

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  • Basics On Nutrition

    This workshop will provide education about nutrients and guide you through easy everyday steps that will support your overall health and food choices.

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  • Yoga: Stretching and Breathing

    Experience gentle stretching with coordinated breathing, and breathing with coordinated meditation. Learn to create a stronger mind/body connection, reduce stress, increase focus, and re-balance! A focus and practice on movements such as brain wave vibration and Ki-Gong.

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  • Digital Marketing and E-Commerce Specialist Program Information Session

    Are you interested gaining skills for an entry level career in digital marketing or e-commerce? Fresh Start is offering Digital Marketing & E-Commerce certificate in a cohort of other Fresh Start women. By completing this program, you’ll gain the skills necessary to develop marketing and e-commerce strategies, learn how to attract and engage customers, and more!

    Join our information session to learn more about this opportunity and see if it is the right fit for you.

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