January 16, 2023
Helping Hands for Single Moms Scholarship Information Session
Helping Hands for Single Moms is an external organization offering scholarships to single moms in the community. In this session, they will highlight an IT certificate program through Glendale Community College covered by their scholarship. Additionally, they will explain the added benefits awardees have available to them within the Helping Hands community.
January 16, 2023
Grow with Google Information Session: Project Management
Calling all Project Planners! Join us to learn about the Grow with Google Project Management certificate program! Whether you are new to the world of project management or looking to advance yourself within your career, this free 6-month program will give you the skills you need to manage projects both big and small. Join us to find out if this program is right for you!
January 16, 2023
Dreambuilder Info Session
Are you interested in starting your own business but you don’t know where to begin? Join us for an introduction to this unique online business skills training and certification course available for free!
January 16, 2023
Dreambuilder Info Session
Are you interested in starting your own business but you don’t know where to begin? Join us for an introduction to this unique online business skills training and certification course available for free!
January 16, 2023
Applying for Scholarships with the Arizona Community Foundation
We will review proven strategies to applying for scholarships, share tips for great scholarship essays and dispel common scholarship myths. Invest in your future!
January 16, 2023
Start Your Educational Journey at Fresh Start
Are you looking to go back to school? Maybe you want to change careers, start a new career, or gain skills that will help you get that promotion. Fresh Start offers several opportunities to do just that. Join us to learn about our fully funded educational programs and how you can start your journey towards a fulfilling career!
January 16, 2023
Start Your Educational Journey
Are you looking to go back to school? Maybe you want to change careers, start a new career, or gain skills that will help you get that promotion. Fresh Start offers several opportunities to do just that. Join us to learn about our fully funded educational programs and how you can start your journey towards a fulfilling career!
January 16, 2023
Spend Smart, Saving Success with Take Charge America
Participants learn smart spending strategies, how to save on the big budget spending categories, how to spend smart and still have fun, and when it’s smart to pay more. Participants will also learn the principles of saving, various types of savings needed, methods for increasing available money to save and techniques for developing the saving habit.
January 16, 2023
Preparing Your Taxes with Take Charge America
Learn the basics of how taxes are computed, the difference between deductions, exemptions and tax credits, and how to prepare to file their tax return.
January 16, 2023
Paying for College with Take Charge America
Learn the relative cost of different types of schools and the different sources of funding to pay for college.