Fresh Start Women’s Foundation is excited to announce their involvement in the 2018 Allstate Foundation Purple Purse Challenge. The Allstate Foundation Purple Purse Challenge began in 2005 as a public education and fundraising program aimed at raising awareness of the prevalence of domestic violence and financial abuse and the need for resources to help survivors
Fresh Start Women’s Foundation is excited to announce that they have sold out the First Annual Women’s Retreat in partnership with Light Legacy Foundation and Girl Scouts-Arizona Cactus-Pine Council. The special event will be held on Friday September 7, 2018 at The Parsons Leadership Center at Camp South Mountain.
The Fresh Start Women’s Foundation is pleased to announce their receipt of a grant totaling $100,000 from Thunderbirds Charities. Affecting Fiscal Year 2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019) these funds will support a capacity-building year for Fresh Start; specifically funding two things: Fresh Fridays and the Director of Operations position.
Fresh Start Women’s Foundation is honored to announce their selection and inclusion in the “Phoenix Stories” publication by the Phoenix Business Journal. Released on July 13th, “Phoenix Stories” is a special publication produced by the Phoenix Business Journal each year and includes 15 stories from non-profit organizations from around the valley.
Join Fresh Start at our 2018 Annual Luncheon presented by PetSmart on September 15th at Chateau Luxe!
This year, you can honor your mom with a unique Mother’s Day gift that will last a lifetime! Fresh Start Women’s Foundation has commemorative bricks for sale that you can dedicate to your mother. Customize your brick with a special message to mom, grandma or another significant female role model in your life, and the…
Fresh Start Women’s Foundation is honored to announce their selection as a “Vehicle for Change in Our Community 2017-2018” sponsored by Valley Toyota Dealers and Univision Arizona. This new community-focused program is aimed at informing, educating and empowering the Hispanic community.
The Fresh Start Women’s Foundation is pleased to announce their receipt of a grant totaling $149,000 from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. This grant extends across a three-year period with $74,000 being awarded during the first year of funding.